Slackline expert - 35m and more

All the equipment for expert slackliners! You'll find all the equipment you need to practice longline on 35m, 50m and even longer!

From complete longline kits to bananas, shackles or LineGrip, everything you need is here!

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Slackline expert - 35m and more  There are 30 products.

Showing 1 - 30 of 30 items
Showing 1 - 30 of 30 items

Who is this category for?

The expert category is for slackliners who want to equip themselves for slacklining on 35m and more. That is to say, to do longline.

For the kits, the length expressed is the maximum length on which a kit can be installed.

What is the difference between a Primitiv with multiplier tensioning system comparate to pulleys, or Linegrip / banana?

The Primitiv slackline kits with multiplier are lighter and more compact. The multiplier added to the basic Primitiv system allows you to increase the force and thus tension more, tension longer. It is necessary from 35m.
If you're looking for an easy to take with you anywhere, to do it whenever you want, wherever you want, then this is what you need.

The pulley slackline kits are made for long, very long tension (50m and more). For shorter distances, there is no interest because it is heavy and bulky to carry. On the other hand the most effective tensioning system, especially when you are alone. They allow you to equip yourself with technical and high end equipment that will be essential in highlining (bananas, shackles, round slings, etc).

The kits with Linegrip / banana, also called "buckingham", are an intermediary between the Primitiv and the pulleys. They allow you totension stronger than a primitiv, and are less heavy than pulleys. They also allow you to equip yourself with technical and high-end equipment that will be essential in highline (bananas, shackles, round slings, etc.).

Presentation of the slackline kit with Primitiv with multiplier

Presentation of the slackline kit with pulleys

Which slackline strap to choose? Well... Except for the color of course!

There are different types of slackline straps:

Tubular slackline webbing, playful (swell, ample and soft rebounds), they allow to have elasticity even on short distance. They are more flexible, light and compact than the flat ones.

  • The RVD and the REGGAE (only the color will differ between them, and there it is up to you to choose)
  • If you are looking for elasticity, lightness and compactness (to carry it easily), then I recommend tubular ones.

Flat slackline webbing, less elastic and easier to tighten. They are also very comfortable for bare feet because they have round edges. They are more robust than the tubular ones.

  • The Slodki and the Shaq (only the color will differ between them, and there it is up to you to choose)
  • If you are looking for a slackline that is easy to tension (because it is less elastic) and very comfortable underfoot, then I recommend flat slacklines.

In the flat slackline webbing, there is also the Moonwalk. This is a slackline that is a bit different, very specific.
It is ultra light, very static and very resistant. The interest of the Moonwalk is to tension very very long (100m and much more), or to have a setup as light and compact as possible (ultra light kit or highline).
It is a webbing that has been used for several world record longline and highline events and is highly regarded by the expert slacklining community.

Any other questions?

Then I invite you to consult the FAQ where there are details of many questions that everyone can ask about slackline and Easy Slackline!

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